Resource Spotlight (Search Archive)
School Turnaround Learning Community
U. S. Department of Education. (n.d. [website])
Washington, DC: Author
“The goal of the STLC is to provide states and districts with easy online access to resources and to facilitate networking that will enable them to support schools more effectively.” Discussion strands include: increased learning time, teacher and leader effectiveness, using data to support effective turnaround, engaging family and community partnerships, secondary schools, early learning, school climate and culture, and rural schools.
State Spotlight (Search Archive)
The Louisiana Recovery School District: Lessons for the Buckeye State
Smith, N. (2012, January)
Washington, DC: Thomas B. Fordham Institute
In considering new governance strategies for persistently failing schools and districts, “policymakers are wise to look at the experiences of other states. Among the boldest and most interesting of these is Louisiana’s Recovery School District (RSD), which is accomplishing both significant gains in student achievement and consequential impacts on district-level standards and governance….Similar entities are now operating in Michigan and Tennessee.” (See the critique by K.L. Buras)